building resilience
emotionally & artistically
through healing expression
About Us
About Us
Our mission is to promote mental health and healing by creating space for our community to build resilience emotionally and artistically through expression of music and arts.
Our mission is to promote mental health and healing by creating space for our community to build resilience emotionally and artistically through expression of music and arts.
Our hope is to create a world where individuals can find emotional strength, healing, and self-expression through the transformative power of music and the arts.
Our hope is to create a world where individuals can find emotional strength, healing, and self-expression through the transformative power of music and the arts.
What We Do
What We Do
BREATHE supports children, teens, and adults experiencing mental health challenges seeking emotional resilience through creative outlets. We specifically look to support first responders, active military/veterans, and trauma survivors, their families, and the schools, organizations, and other mental health professionals in our community.
BREATHE supports children, teens, and adults experiencing mental health challenges seeking emotional resilience through creative outlets. We specifically look to support first responders, active military/veterans, and trauma survivors, their families, and the schools, organizations, and other mental health professionals in our community.
In partnering with local music and art schools, BREATHE provides:
In partnering with local music and art schools, BREATHE provides:
Music Therapy Sessions
Music Therapy Sessions
Individual and group therapy sessions using music to process emotions and reduce stress
Individual and group therapy sessions using music to process emotions and reduce stress
Art Therapy Workshops
Art Therapy Workshops
Visual arts, dance, or creative writing workshops to help participants express themselves and heal
Visual arts, dance, or creative writing workshops to help participants express themselves and heal
Resilience Building Classes
Resilience Building Classes
Mindfulness, meditation, and stress management sessions incorporating artistic elements
Mindfulness, meditation, and stress management sessions incorporating artistic elements
Healing Through Performance
Healing Through Performance
Opportunities for participants to showcase their talents in concerts, art exhibits, or storytelling events
Opportunities for participants to showcase their talents in concerts, art exhibits, or storytelling events
Support Groups
Support Groups
Peer-led or counselor-facilitated groups focused on emotional support through shared creative experience.
Peer-led or counselor-facilitated groups focused on emotional support through shared creative experience.
What Can You Do?
What Can You Do?
We are always looking for volunteers to help facilitate the programs we offer. You can help by letting us know what you're passionate and excited about, and we will find a plce for you. BREATHE is fully facilitated and funded by our extremely kind and generous donors. Whether you donate your time, goods, services, or money, your generous donation goes directly toward "building resilience emotionally and artistically through healing expression."
We are always looking for volunteers to help facilitate the programs we offer. You can help by letting us know what you're passionate and excited about, and we will find a plce for you. BREATHE is fully facilitated and funded by our extremely kind and generous donors. Whether you donate your time, goods, services, or money, your generous donation goes directly toward "building resilience emotionally and artistically through healing expression."
Donate Today!
Donate Today!
BREATHE INC is a tax-exempt non-profit public charity under the IRS code section 501c3. 100% of your contributions are tax deductible. Our tax ID # is 33-2829160 and we send out annual donor receipts by January 31st of the following year for your tax records.
BREATHE INC is a tax-exempt non-profit public charity under the IRS code section 501c3. 100% of your contributions are tax deductible. Our tax ID # is 33-2829160 and we send out annual donor receipts by January 31st of the following year for your tax records.
Please use our donation links below to make your contribution today.
THANK YOU for your support!
THANK YOU for your support!